Comics in Higher Education: From Collections to Scholarship


Comics and manga have gained popularity in classrooms at every level — from scaffolding canonical texts and engaging English language learners, to encouraging independent reading. In higher education, they are also supporting academic course objectives and research initiatives, while enabling libraries to diversify their collections.

Join us on Wednesday, May 22nd at 3pm EDT / Noon PDT for an insightful overview of where comics and manga fit in academic libraries and college coursework, including working with faculty to develop a comprehensive curriculum, and how comics can be used for academic inquiry and writing skills development.


  • Raylene Gomez Hernandez, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Pamela Jackson, San Diego State University Library

The 60-minute presentation will be moderated by LibraryPass’ Guy LeCharles Gonzalez, and include a live Q&A segment where our panelists will answer attendees’ specific questions submitted via the registration form and during the session. A Certificate of Completion will also be available for live attendees.


Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash.